Agile Thoughts

Why is the empirical process most important thing for a Scrum Master?

A crucial aspect of SM role is fostering an empirical process within the team. Today, I will try to delve into the significance of an empirical approach for a Scrum Master (and the team/product). The importance of an experiential process in Scrum In the Scrum framework, learning and adapting are essential elements of the iterative …

Agile Thoughts

Why does the Scrum Master want me to be an entrepreneur? I’m just a Product Owner.

Yesterday, I attended a Professional Product Owner II training, and I noticed something intriguing. There was a sense of indignation among some of the less experienced Product Owners and Managers in the room when the topic of being more entrepreneurial came up. This got me thinking about how to better explain the connection between Product …

Agile Thoughts

Why is Courage vital if the team wants to be high-performing?

A couple of days ago, I was drinking my coffee, looking out the window (I often need moments like this to clear my head – I also avoid distractions during this time). I was thinking about the teams I had a chance to work with – I tried to answer the question “why some of …